Saturday, March 12, 2011

Well where have I been!

I just realized that it's been a long time since I have posted anything so I am making a belated resolution to post something at least three times a week. Not that anyone cares but it will be fun for me so really that's all that matters. After all why would anyone write on a blog unless they were enjoying it.
Soooo, where have I been. Well last year was a crazy year of travel and I bet I went more places last year than in my last 30+ years of marriage. So I will put some pics and info about my travels.
I will now admit an addiction I have developed over the last several months. Well if I'm honest I was hooked on the first trip to IKEA, a wonderland of home improvement stuff. It has become a regular monthly mecca of wonderfulness. It's a little bit of a trek but well worth it. My daughter and I have even traveled to several different stores just to make sure we weren't missing out on anything. These have been adventures onto themselves. So I will unleash some of the madness on you over the next few weeks. I hope you enjoy.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Health Care Health Insurance and WTH

Sadly our elected officials forgot to take economics 101. They have confused health care and health insurance and have now attempted to place regulations on the insurance industry. This means that for the 96% of us that have health insurance will now have to pay sky rocketing insurance premiums, higher taxes and face decreasing service providers. The rest of you poor uninsured folks will now have to get coverage you can't afford or face a fine. Well that should cover the health insurance debate, but I don't think it's going to do anything about actual health care.
Oh yes it will, I almost forgot, hospitals will close, doctors will retire and other's will no longer see the health care profession as a good career choice. Way to go. Good job, can't wait for the elections. You know who you are and you will not get my vote.

The way I see it the only ones who really came out ahead were the students who now can sponge off their parent's policies for a few more years.

To quote a wise man, that's all I have to say about that!

Monday, March 15, 2010

Why we do the things we do!

Why we do the things we do? Sometimes we are a victim of circumstance, or happenstance. We react or overreact based on our temperament. Crazy, wild hand wringing. Crying, screaming or retreating. Some lock themselves in the bathroom so no one will know they are having a mini meltdown. Some end up in a strait jacket, some on medication.

Some of us make jokes, make light of a hard situation we have been handed. Finally those of us who have at last (at long last) reached some understanding of God just light a candle, close our eyes and pray.

I have finally reached that point of my life. Oh sure sometimes my baser human nature gets the best of me and I use a few choice four letter words and slam the heck out of the kitchen cabinets. AND CLEAN. But usually now I just smile and light a candle.

It's very freeing to be at that place in life, calming really. Despite all my friends and family's best efforts to get some other response out of me. Sometimes a good bottle of red wine helps. My philosophy is pretty much stay away from the doctor's office, have a glass of wine and if the going gets really tough have a Benedryal or two.

Maybe one day my friends will find me in a corner somewhere with drool running down my chin, chanting some nonsense and rocking back and forth. It's okay really. Because I will be past the point of caring then.

So for now my advice to all is don't sweat the small stuff, or any stuff for that matter. Pray, pray hard and often. Light a candle, throw back a good glass of wine. Have some dark chocolate for goodness sake and if you don't see me every couple of days check my closet and make sure I'm not in there in the floor.


Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Global Warming, Climate Change and What the heck is up with Spring

So for any who knows me you will know that I despise winter. I love Christmas and I love snow at Christmas. The rest of the time I want it to be 70 or above preferably with sun. Now thanks to "Global Warming" or the ever popular climate change we are coming out of one of the coldest winters in 40 years and except for the last two days Spring has been slow to come and very dreary and wet.
This has caused the buzz about Global Warming to shift. All of sudden, they made a mistake and we are just in a cycle. But no, not a cycle exactly we are experiencing Climate change. Well duh! Last I checked climate does change, daily. Here in Virginia it changes hourly. This is nothing new. For those who really study these things and know what they are talking about it seems that climate is cyclical and rather predictable. In other words what's up with Spring? Or Winter? or any of it for that matter? What's up is that climate changes in patterns and we are in one now and will be in one until God decides to shut down things and be done with all of us "educated" imbeciles. In the meantime I'm hoping to enjoy a globally warm Spring and Summer.

Friday, March 5, 2010

Let's talk about life

Okay, so we have established that dreams are really just desires that we change according to our life circumstances. When you are young you tend to be naive about what is important. As you mature, you tend to shift your dreams to your family or children. How about later in life? Can you pick up some of your old dreams that maybe you thought were gone for good? How about you? Got any old dreams making a comeback? Please share.

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Dreams part two

Well thanks for all the input, I feel a little better about letting my old dreams go. You have given me a new perspective on dreaming. But I still think that when you let old dreams go you should get some new ones. So I am crusing for new dreams. Share with me some of your dream swaps and I'll let you know what I'm trading up for. Happy Dreaming.

Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hopes and dreams are things we have when we are young. Then life happens and later you realize that your hopes and dreams are for someone else. As you get older you let your dreams go and you start to wish for things for other people. For your husband, children, your grandchildren. Even as ridiculious as it seems I've noticed a lot of what I ask for involves my house, or job, or husbands job. But what do I really wish for? Just for me. I don't think I know anymore. I feel guilty asking God for something for me. I've let go of all my dreams, even the simple ones. Do you know what you desire, do you still have dreams?