Saturday, February 6, 2010


Hopes and dreams are things we have when we are young. Then life happens and later you realize that your hopes and dreams are for someone else. As you get older you let your dreams go and you start to wish for things for other people. For your husband, children, your grandchildren. Even as ridiculious as it seems I've noticed a lot of what I ask for involves my house, or job, or husbands job. But what do I really wish for? Just for me. I don't think I know anymore. I feel guilty asking God for something for me. I've let go of all my dreams, even the simple ones. Do you know what you desire, do you still have dreams?


  1. I still have dreams, even though I am getting much older. I have dreams of seeing my grandchildren reaching adulthood, also dreams of having more grandchildren before I am too old to run and play with them.
    I have dreams of traveling more.
    I would like to travel to France and Ireland.

    It's not ridiculous to ask for anything that involves your home, husband's job or your job, things you care about.
    Oh - that reminds me, I need to make more money, since that will play a BIG part of me traveling to Europe. Now I am dreaming of a better job, I have got to get to work making some of these dreams come true, with the good lord's help.
    Thanks for motivating me.

  2. Honestly, I don't have dreams, I have hopes and wishes. As I have gotten older, I dream of nothing for me. I hope to have good health, good times with friends and family, hope that my children will be happy. I hope I go to heaven. I do believe dreaming is good when you are young because it is like a goal. Dreaming is good for the soul when young. For me, hopes and wishes for others seems to be more of my venue these days.

  3. I think dreams are a funny thing. Like you said, you start off dreaming of all the things YOU'LL do, then you start dreaming for your loved ones. However, those dreams are really for you, too. And that's a good thing. When our loved ones do well, we know that our time has been spent well. We have a legacy.

  4. My dreams for me have to do with making a cozy house and a garden that is a joy to see when I look out the kitchen or bedroom window. Maybe when I've satisfied that desire, I will discover a burning need to tour the gardens of England.

    The feminists were very big on women compartmentalizing their lives into "me" versus "family/duty" but I think that that can be overdone. Some things I like to do can include children: we brought our three- and four- year-old grandchildren with us on vacation last August (as well as our two younger children). That was fine since we were just sort of exploring a section of the Blue Ridge in North Carolina. If we had wanted to spend hours in art galleries and museums, I would have let them remain with their parents. Yes, I am happy to let my husband spend time on his interests, and I like to go my own way sometimes.
